Fifty young adults going to thirty-two Christian colleges and universities. Two buses are taking the group on two distinct routes around the country in creative pursuit of social justice. In doing so, they are empowered to change countless lives.

Amanda said she is glad to have this opportunity.
"I feel honored to be giving updates to Whosoever readers about my experiences on the Soulforce Equality Ride. Whosoever was actually one of the first websites that was suggested to me when I came out to an affirming professor at my Christian university. I must have spent hours looking around the site, and as a younger person who was really struggling to reconcile my faith and sexuality, it was invaluable to me. It is my identity and experiences as an LGBT person of faith that has inspired me to take this journey, and I look forward to sharing it with you all along the way."
Whosoever is honored to have Amanda (who goes by Mandy) reporting for us along the way. We look forward to her first report.
The partnership is a first for Whosoever and Soulforce, two groups that have been working separately for years to achieve many of the same goals.
"I am delighted that Whosoever is sponsoring a stop on the Soulforce Equality Ride for 2007. Soulforce and Whosover have been friends for several years now. I personally have admired Candace's work as a pioneer in using the Internet to bring hope and help to GLBT people and our allies across the world. Let this be the first step in working even closer together as the years go by," said Soulforce founder Mel White.
You can keep up with the Equality Riders by checking out their schedules:
The riders continue to need sponsors throughout their trip. Please make a donation to the ride today!
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